View the videos below, or see the playlist at our YouTube channel.
Take a deep dive into JurorSearch.
Take a full tour of all of the current features of our JurorSearch solution.
Create your JurorSearch account to get started.
Here’s an overview of the account creation process.
Adding and importing jurors to trials.
Every trial begins with the process of adding jurors. Add them by hand or run them in a batch. The choice is yours.
Using the Strike Strategy screen
Every trial begins with the process of adding jurors. Add them by hand or run them in a batch. The choice is yours.
Viewing Strikes and Deleted Jurors
Every trial begins with the process of adding jurors. Add them by hand or run them in a batch. The choice is yours.
Using Hand Raisers in jury selection
Use hand raisers to quickly capture responses from all jurors in the courtroom during questioning.
Setting juror seats
Easily organize jurors into seating charts as you see them in the courtroom.
Use custom views to show your data
JurorSearch comes with a number of preset views to aid in the selection process, but you can also create your own customized views, too.
Add new members to your team
JurorSearch is meant to be used by teams. Learn how to invite other members of your team into the workflow.