Author Archives: user

“Innovate to Keep Track of Information During Voir Dire”

Persuasive Litigator tested out JurorSearch during a mock voir dire they conducted. “As the two doing the questioning, we both felt a fresh appreciation of the demands on the attorney conducting the questioning. The person in that role has to work hard to maintain a connection with potential jurors, something they likely cannot do well […]

A discussion with Dan Jaffe of LawLytics on legal technology and jury trials

Thanks to Dan Jaffe of LawLytics for a fun conversation about legal technology, jury trials, the pain of paper-based jury selection and how an interest in government and politics led to a career in software development. The video version of the talk is here Here is the lightly edited transcript (all errors are mine) A Conversation with Dan Johnson, Co-Founder […]

How customers told us to start from scratch

Jury consultants and trial attorneys are nice We started JurorSearch with a big idea: let’s give trial attorneys and their consultants all the information about potential jurors that political campaigns regularly use about potential voters. We built a product. Licensed some data. It worked! And when we showed our customers — public defenders and prosecutors, […]